Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Thanks to models: Marlon, Nicole, & Kaylyn.
The idea for this photo is that Marlon is uncomfortable with himself with low self confidence and keeps to himself. But the second picture shows that Marlon worked hard for a physical appearance he is comfortable with and was able to make friends:)
Thanks to Models: Nicole, Marlon, & Mike
In the first picture a girl is so sad her heart has been broken, but the next picture shows that not getting caught up on a broken heart allows her to heal it.
Thanks to Models: Tina, & Manishka
This is my favotire picture out of the three because its fun and has artwork. Tina is an artist focusing on portraying Manishka in her artwork and in the next picture Artist Tina reveals the painting, proud of her work and Manishka is happy with the results.

1 comment:

  1. The ideas for your dyptichs were creative but for the first ttwo sets, i didnt really get the concept until i read your artist statement. The Focus on your subjects is centralized, maybe you could have kept marlon on the side in one. you could have utilized props in order to convey your message. For example you could have kept weight on the side on your first picture with marlon, this way its percieved that he worked out and is now confident. and for the second set maybe your Nicole could have thrown the heart on the floor while being next to the boys, because i honestly thought her heart was fixed because she now had two boyfriends. for your lighting in the third set the second picture's whitebalance is slightly off and seems a little darker. also in the first set the second picture isnt as bright as the first. i think you utilized color pretty well, it isnt dull or too bright in any of your pictures, the all black attie makes marlon look even more depressed which adds great effect. it seems that you put alot of effort in your dyptichs, especially in the third one where you got manishka to wear glasses this way it matches the portrait. you contructed them very well overall, my attention did automatically go to the objects you stated were the main focal point. although i didnt percieve teh message of the first two dyptichs, i really like your final products and personally love the third set.
